IT Services for the Medical Industry

IT Services for the Medical Industry
SysGen's IT solutions for medical and healthcare practices allow businesses to have a great technology experience.

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Medical IT Support for the Healthcare Industry

Patient care is key in the healthcare industry. This applies to all kinds of clinics; from medical, and dental to other healthcare service providers such as chiropractic, radiology, and medical laboratories. It can feel overwhelming trying to prioritize your patients’ needs while ensuring your technology works for you. At SysGen, we take care of your IT for you, so you don’t have to. You can focus on serving your patients while we make sure your technology optimizes patient care. The right IT support is crucial for staff in the medical industry to help prevent medical malpractices, maintenance of medical equipment, and more.

Managed IT Services for Medical Clinics

Our healthcare IT experts at SysGen offer services such as optimizing your patient information database, preventative hardware maintenance, ensuring your clinic technology practice follow local legal standards and collaborating with industry-specific software providers to make sure they work properly. All these services are for your clinic to benefit from under our Managed IT Services offering. Medical clinics are an integral part of the healthcare industry. Technology in the healthcare industry such as medical equipment, data systems, and clinic-specific machines and software must all operate properly for the clinic staff to provide the best patient care. Read on to learn more about how we can provide IT support for your medical organization.

How Does SysGen Provide IT Support for Medical Organizations?

Managed Services to Better Manage Your Patients

At SysGen, we’re healthcare IT experts. We know that in the medical industry, having a dedicated team who understands your business is more beneficial than a help-desk model. We understand your healthcare business’ variable needs and budgets, and our Managed Services offering can help alleviate this burden. For example, we understand that dental practices are a competitive industry, and your technology must work to cater to the changing needs of your clients. We also understand the unpredictability of IT costs and can help ensure your IT expenses are within your assigned budget. Our Managed Services ensure your hardware and proprietary software operate properly while our team functions as your line of business application support.

Eliminating Medical Cybersecurity Threats

When it comes to patient confidentiality, and protecting their data and information, cybersecurity is paramount. Medical clinics today opt for storing their patient information and scheduling activities through third-party, cloud-based management systems. Applications like Jane Apps and Owl Practice provide safer alternatives than storing patient data at on-site clinic systems. Through these applications, losing data or lack of access can be minimized. It’s still important to be cautious while using these applications to protect your patients’ data. Medical practices must guarantee that their business follows either the Alberta Health Information Act or the British Columbia Protection Information Act, depending on which province your business is located in. Since not all patient data can be stored in these apps due to the file size (e.g., dental x-rays, lab results) your hardware must be protected for the security of data and backup of data itself. Ensuring your dental practice’s overall cybersecurity practices are top-notch is important; SysGen’s Enhanced Security Services can offer a strong security system for your cloud-based applications and on-premises servers to prevent data breaches.

Opting for RSA tokens can save your healthcare staff time when catering to your patients’ needs. An alternative to Multi-Factor Authenticators (MFA), they provide robust security protection when patient data is accessed when logging into systems using communal hardware. In healthcare establishments such as radiology clinics and family doctor clinics, most of the staff would use the same password for all the computers in the exam rooms. While only having one login saves time and increases efficiency, it highly increases cybersecurity threats. That is when the RSA or the MFA methods come in, so your patients’ data and information can stay protected. Our cybersecurity experts can help set up these protection systems and ensure they work to optimize your healthcare services.

Cloud Solutions for Seamless Operations

Having proper cloud solutions is key for seamless operations and efficient patient care in the medical industry. Accessing patient data through cloud-based applications can save time, increase efficiency, and make access easy for your patients too. For example, Jane App has become the best app for physical therapy clinics. The app can help your chiropractic or massage therapy patients schedule appointments online and fill out intake forms, so they can arrive at their appointments and spend minimal time interacting with reception staff. Follow-up appointments can easily be scheduled online without having to call the clinic, so your staff can focus on the on-site patients. Patients can also cancel/reschedule appointments online, access their information, and plan their visits better ahead of time. At SysGen, we can help your staff set up online platforms like Jane App for your healthcare clinic and connect with the application provider should there be issues, so your staff can focus on patient care.

In the dental world, ClearDent, Dentrix, and ABELDent are some of many great patient care online platforms for growing your dental practice. These applications can be chosen for your business based on your specific needs and budget. While some dental practices find it difficult to opt for cloud-based applications due to the amount of storage they need for their patients’ images and x-rays, SysGen’s Cloud Managed Services can provide what your dental business needs for your cloud infrastructure.

A Dedicated Field Agent to Support Your Clinic

At SysGen, you are guaranteed an IT expert who knows your staff, and technology. Our team will know when your industry-specific hardware needs an upgrade, workstations are down, or your cloud-based scheduling platform requires maintenance. Our team members will make sure you’re aware of your technology so you can schedule and make sure your stellar patient care is uninterrupted. Our team will ensure that you are proactive against medical malpractices and any medical equipment malfunctioning. Through Managed Services, we will assign healthcare IT experts or a dedicated field agent to support the needs of your clinic.

24/7 IT Support

While many clinics offer the traditional weekday and Saturday hours, extended healthcare support outside of business hours ensures complete uptime for your organization. Our team of healthcare IT experts can accommodate your off-hour needs so your business can operate properly during its opening hours.


How is your medical IT support services pricing structured?

Your service pricing will depend on your business’s current environment. SysGen can act as the liaison for third-party medical software support. Our team can perform strategic assessments in your environment and plan customized support to suit your business needs.

How do I get started with IT support for my medical clinic?

Connect with SysGen today to chat with our team about how we can support your business.

What if I have an IT support emergency?

Our team provides after-hours IT and emergency support any time you need it.

Is there any risk for my patients with cybersecurity?

SysGen conducts infrastructure assessments in your technology environment and medical equipment to determine if your technology is working for you. Here we discover the strengths and weaknesses of your technology environment and provide recommendations about how to improve the security of your system. This alleviates any cybersecurity risks to patient data. You could also mention IT roadmaps to help navigate your practice and ensure the technology is aligned with your business.

Connect With SysGen for Your Medical IT Needs Today